Tuesday, June 17, 2008

One Seater

Went to a restaurant called Wildwood on Saturday night. The Missus and me, her brother and his wife. It was good, little overpriced, but we were having a good time.

Near the end of our evening, I got up to use the restroom. As I entered the men's room, I looked around and realized it's just a single person restroom. Just the room, a toilet and a sink. As I was closing the door, a guy came in behind me, and must not have instantly realized it was only a single restroom. He looks around and says, "Oh, it's only a one seater eh?". "Yep", I replied, as he continued in and locked the door. "You can go first", he said to me.

Erm, what? Now, if you read the story about drinking from the stranger girl's beer can on the bike path in Seattle, you know odd things sometimes happen to me. And while I wasn't really perturbed by this guy's behavior, I just found it pretty odd to be certain. But he went to the sink and busied himself while I did my duty, then we switched and I washed my hands while he did his. I figured since he was such a friendly sort the least I could do was engage him in a little friendly banter.

"Good dinner tonight, sir?", I queried. "Oh yes, I never have a bad meal here", he replied. Wait, he's been here before, and he didn't know it's a one seater? "Same here, very good". By now he was done so I didn't need to keep up much more of this conversation. I walked to the door and opened it up to allow him to exit.

"Have a great evening", I said to him. "Thanks, same to you", he throws back at me.

So strange, my life.


Anonymous said...

At least he didn't suggest you both pee at the same time (like we did when we were kids)...

Anonymous said...

You are just so weird.
I would have had to leave and go back later.
Ok so maybe I'm the weird one.
I just would have been totally freaked out by that.

M. Smith said...

Heh, forgot about how we used to do that as kids. We were weird kids. Haven't changed a whole lot.