Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bacon Weave, part II

As you can see, it's prettier pre-cooking. One advantage to the bacon weave is that you can cook an entire package of bacon at one time. Normally you'd have to cook them in 2-3 shifts, depending on teh size of your frying pan.

If you look closely in teh first picture, you'll see there is a container of bacon salt near the bacon weave. The world came close to ending on the day the bacon salt was spread over the bacon weave. Luckily Jeff and Sarah were there to help us eat the whole thing.

After cooking, as in the second photo, you'll see that the bacon weave fell apart a bit. That's because of my first attempt at turning it over. Tried the dual-spatula method. Didn't work so well. Finally tried sliding it on a plate, putting another plate over that plate, then flipping the two plates over. The slide the bacon weave from te second plate back into the pan.


Anonymous said...

I think George Carlin ate on of those Saturday Morning.. ah oh wait he died of a heart attack! hum food for thought maybe?

Ok not that I don't eat my fair share of bacon.. LOL

M. Smith said...

Ow so bad you are!

Anonymous said...

try baking your bacon weave on a cookie sheet in the oven on a low (325-350) heat. no need to turn!!

M. Smith said...

Yes, yes! That's the spirit! Thanks for the tip. I've got a whole package of bacon in teh fridge just waiting for the wife's birthday on Saturday. I'll have to give it a try.

Better thought, I should probably save it for my own birthday. Somehow the wife isn't as enamored with the BW as I am.