Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Remember the old television series 'V'? I don't really, other than the crunching noise the aliens made when they ate cockroaches, which I believe was their favorite snack. Anyway, we've had a steady stream of visitors over the past few weeks, none of which I suspect of being from another planet, I just was thinking that the 'V' in title stood for 'Visitors'.

Nothing wrong with visitors. It's not like we've made so many friends in Portland over the past 10 months that we can't spare a little time to see family and friends. First Mandy's parents came to see us for a week, then our friends Brett and Lexi came up from California. They couldn't make it to our wedding, so they were able to get away for a quick weekend.

It's not easy to entertain, however, with two little kids. It really makes me wonder how others do it. Well, how they do it without seeming like it's killing them inside.

We spent the entire day today changing rooms around. First the guest bed (now that our steady stream of guests has petered out (two shakes and a pull)) was moved down to the living room, along with an extra bookcase (not really extra, we need all the bookshelves we can get, but it doesn't fit in) and an old nightstand.

Next we moved Lexi's crib into the guest room, and magically it turned into Noah's bedroom. Then we had to move Lexi's new twin bed into her room, to turn it in to a big girl's paradise.

Once all the furniture was moved, I had to map-quest my way to southeast Portland to go buy a dining table we had our eyes on. I dropped that off at home, took an old computer to work for a co-worker of mine, and picked up Lexi at daycare while Mandy finished decorating/un-trashing the new rooms. Then I was off again with my bookcase to drop it off at a stranger's house. All in a day's work it was.

Not sure if I got off topic yet or not.

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