Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Honk honk

So getting the girl to actually sleep in her big girl bed has been harder than expected. Apparently we didn't follow all the rules we should have when considering moving her out of the crib. Rules such as putting the new bed in the same position that the crib was in, letting them help assemble the new bed, letting them pick out bedding they like, etc.

We didn't find this out until 2 1/2 hours after trying to put her down for the night.

She went to bed just fine. Gave her a kiss and shut the door. Wait 10 seconds. Door opens and she sticks her head out. Back to bed. Close door. Wait for door to open. Rinse, repeat.

I went upstairs to see how it was going and just in time...Mandy was getting tired of dealing with the girl. I take a different approach and lay down on the bed with her. She's good for about 10 seconds, then she reaches over, grabs my nose and says, "Honk honk". It's very hard not to laugh when you know you shouldn't encourage her.

She sits up in bed, wants to read a book, wants to turn the musical birds on, wants to see Mommy. I get mad and reason with her. Oh yeah, two year olds don't do reasoning, so i resort to Mandy's tactic of slamming her on to the bed and closing the door. Ten seconds later, door opens a crack. I put her back on the bed, repeat. This time Mandy comes up to relieve me and keeps her company for awhile.

Then it's my turn again.

Finally, after 2-3 hours of this, she nods off and finally drifts off into la-la land.

Then comes the snoring. Just like her mother.

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