Sunday, April 20, 2008

I Am A Crappy Movie?

Just watched I Am Legend tonight.

Horrible. Awful.

I got excited last year when I first heard about it. I had never read the book, but the premise sounded cool, so I went out and got it. Great story...made me want to see the movie even more.

Then I saw the trailer. Will Smith hitting golf balls and driving through Manhattan. Started to worry about this.

Then I saw the movie, and now I'm incredulous at how bad it was. It starts with deer running through the streets of NYC, before a lion comes out of nowhere and kills the deer. I'm sorry, where the hell did lions come from in New York? The zoo? Last I heard, lions needed warm weather. Couldn't be here if Will Smith is wearing a leather jacket and pants.

The ending sucked the worst.

I give it 1 star out of 5. The star is because it has zombie dogs, and those are pretty rad.


Anonymous said...

I seriously laughed out loud at the zombie dogs comment. Last night I watched Juno, and love it, maybe you'll like it better...

Anonymous said...

Its funny I never had the urge to see this movie at all. Guess my gut feeling was right.