Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Broken Bones

Noah learned the hard way on Saturday that climbing out of your crib is only the half of it. What he failed to learn is what to do once he's on the outside. Much as the newly released prisoner's good intentions go out the window when faced with an unlimited opportunity for mischief, so did his first escape from behind bars end in failure.

I wasn't in the room, so I only heard the big 'thud', but I think he must have landed on his wrist somehow and hurt it in the process. It's not broken, and he's not in a cast, but he got a little splint to wear for the next 3 weeks just to make sure he doesn't re-injure it.

It's tough as a parent knowing when he needs to go to the doctor and when he does not. I tend to be overly cautious about going to the doctor when I'm ill. And by overly cautious I mean I don't go to the doctor. Of course, I don't want my kids to be denied medical care if they really need it, but who's to say when they need it.

First thing I noticed was him grabbing his hurt wrist with his good hand. This was an indication that he was hurt. I did not fail to notice this. If you're keeping score at home, that's one point for me.

Next, I ran a series of what you might term 'amateur' lab tests on the affected area. I bent each finger back, one at a time, and noticed he only cried when it was at an angle that would make me cry if a giant was twisting my fingers into some unnatural position. I also had him make a fist, which he didn't do, but that's because of the language barrier. While I waited for the translator to arrive, I asked him to hold his froggy blanket in his hand, and he was able to do this. Success! No doctor's visit needed. I'm applying to medical school next week.

Over the last couple days I'd say he's been normal for about 95% of the time. It was just now and again when he'd trip and fall, catching himself with his hands, then he'd grab his wrist again with the other hand. Apparently this happened this morning at daycare, and Paula decided he was bad enough to make a doctor's appointment. I think she was worried that she had overstepped her boundaries in making that decision, but I was grateful that she had, because she's with him all day long and can tell when things don't seem right. Plus it was so very slow at work today, I was happy to get out of there.

Anyway, the doctor said he looks fine, gave him the splint just to be on the safe side, and now he's back in the crib, sleeping like a baby. With pillows scattered all over at the base of his crib.

Next we need to work on getting him some scars.


Anonymous said...

You're lucky he didn't break it. I'm a mandatory reporter! Glad it wasn't broken. -G-

Anonymous said...

Boy it runs in the family, I was
going to mention CPS and GAry beat
me to it. I miss you, have you noticed I have not called. Love ms