Saturday, December 29, 2007

Where in the world...

In anthropology, there is much use of the word cosmology. In studying so-called primitive societies, cosmologies help explain the relationship of human beings to the rest of the universe and are therefore closely tied to religious beliefs and practices (thanks!). It's a word I hadn't hear before taking my first anthropology course in college, but it's a topic I've been thinking about ever since.

The latest thing to get me thinking about this was a post at the Great Whatsit. This post, to be specific. As it goes, I had written my own comment to this post, but deleted it at the last minute. Deleted it because a) nobody cares what I have to say on the subject, and b) I have a great place to post stuff that nobody cares about on my own blog without having to mess up someone else's.

Anyway, here's my take on the whole thing: My cosmology only extends to my daily life for the most part. I don't care much what's going on outside my own home, outside my work, or what goes on that doesn't affect me in a daily capacity. I know, I'm sticking my head in the sand, and I do it willingly. I guess what's been worrying me the most lately is that I've been doing it for the past 13 years or so and I figure it's got to catch up with me sooner or later.

Now, this sort of view definitely has its perks. I don't have to worry about politics. I don't have to worry about voting, and if I do decide to vote, I don't worry if I don't like the outcome. I pay attention to the news enough to know what's going on in the world (because you obviously have to pay attention if you're going to keep your Jeopardy skills honed). I just don't get worried unless the bad news is in my home town.

To some extent, my world view encompasses Washington as well as Oregon, so if I'm going to choose an identity, it's as a Pacific Northwester. But that's it. That's about as far as it goes. What's going on in California? Don't much care. Washington D.C.? Doesn't worry me. Bush stole the election? Not going to change the world for me. I do understand that it will change the world for others, so I'm not saying that you shouldn't care...I'm just saying that it doesn't bother me.

Same with religion. I grew up going to church every Sunday. When I decided it wasn't for me, it was a relatively clean break. Now I don't think about it. I don't worry about what church is right, who's going to hell, or what I'm going to do on Sunday. It's no longer a part of my world view.

There are definitely some subjects that I'll have an opinion on, however. Pedophile priests are bad whether I believe in religion or not. Bush is always going to lose the fight against words. I might vote for Obama this time if I do decide to vote. And if I decide not to vote, I don't bitch and moan about the outcome. I understand that I can't say anything if I don't vote. One guy's gonna cut taxes and the other's gonna raise them? Ok by me. I'm gonna pay them either way, just tell me how much I owe. I know Americans are fat and lazy and talk too loud when they're on vacation. Still doesn't bother me. I don't identify myself as one of those. Even if I get fat and lazy (not a far stretch), I'm gonna whisper when I'm in Europe. But the American identity isn't a part of my cosmology.

Is this world view wrong? I don't think so. As I mentioned before, I do worry that it's going to backfire one of these days. Maybe the next president will decide to put everybody with my name in prison. Then it will be too late, and I'll wish I had done things differently.

At least I'll have time to revise where I fit in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sometimes find myself thinking about this concept. Although I find myself more inclusive in a bigger community, I feel like I am not connecting myself as much as is expected. I find myself not caring too much either. One of the many reasons is that when I find myself too closely connected, the negativity of other people and society brings me down. Other people are many times (what my younger brother calls) Fucktards; they can't help it, they just are...