Sunday, December 30, 2007

What I'm doing for 2008

Of course I have new years resolutions. Who doesn't? What self-respecting, red-blooded American citizen-being wouldn't take advantage of this time to say what they want to do better in the next year? I don't plan on actually following through on any of them for longer than a day or two, but we'll see. A day or two spread out over a year isn't really so difficult.

1. Post more on my blog

2. Stop swearing so much

3. Stop swearing so much in front of the kids

4. Stop swearing at the kids

Damn, that's already getting up there. Now for some random things I'd like to do:

5. See more shows, movies, etc.

6. Have more dates with my wife. Which means getting more babysitters. Which is fine, but means putting an effort into things. I was saving 'making more of an effort' for 2009, but as long as I'm here...

7. Vote more. I did actually vote in the last local election. But it was for school board members, and since I know nothing about the candidates, I wrote in my own name. That's why I probably shouldn't even be wasting anybody's time.

8. Read more

9. I'd love to play more Canasta. Nobody really gets into that though. Maybe online?

10. Do more around the house. Last year I concentrated on the backyard, which was probably a bust. It's a muddy mess right now. We'll see if any of the new grass took. I haven't cleaned the gutters in over a year. The house needs to be re-painted. I re-did the deck, but half-assed, so slapping a coat of waterproof paint doesn't actually fix rotten deck boards. The fence is falling apart in places too.

11. Stop using the kids as an excuse for why I don't get things like home improvements done. It is true though--since the wife and I only have one day off together, I'm alone with the kids on my other day off. And they're not too good about playing quietly while I clean the gutters.

12. Stop using the kids as an excuse for why I don't get things done.

13. Start putting the kids to work to get more things done. They can't do gutters, but they can probably pick up rocks.

14. Lose 20 pounds. Of course most people have this on their list. In my case I'm being modest, I should probably lose 30 pounds.

15. Stop making lists.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Big Brother says, get your booty off the pc, and get the workd done, then it wouldn't have to be on the list...