Sunday, March 18, 2007

Noe gets older

Pics of Noah, Stories of Lexi:

We told Lexi that she could get a sticker for every night she stays in bed the whole night. I asked her, "What do you get if you stay in bed all night?" and she replied, "A sticker!". I asked, "What do you get if you don't stay in bed all night"? She said, "A taco"!

Then tonight we were singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little star, how I wonder what you...television".

She also told me, "Just a minute" a couple of times today. "Lexi, let's go inside now."
"Just a minute".


Anonymous said...

I hear you are coming for Easter. Can't wait *oops*... SuperG

Anonymous said...

Isn't it nice all of us anonymouses can see and hear news about the grandkids on your blog....Thanks, Mark....another SuperG