Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Sweet lamp here

I'm not buying a lamp. I just saw this one and thought it was mecha-awesome, like my throbbing foot.

And while we're on the subject of awesome furniture coupled with lousy customer service, have you ever been in a Design Within Reach store? A friend was telling me about his experience going in there one day...said he went in and there was a woman behind a computer sitting at the desk, totally ignored him at first. He looked around for a few minutes and she finally asked, "How are you today?", and that was it. Never asked if he needed help, never offered any information, nothing.

When he finished I told him I had the exact same experience, except the lady at least asked me how I was within a few seconds of entering the store rather than waiting until I'd been browsing for awhile.

I tell you, that furniture better give my kids a bath and put them to bed if it's so goddam good that you don't need to put any effort into selling it.


Anonymous said...

Better a non-pushy clerk like that, instead of those pushy furniture clerk's at Crate & Barrel...

M. Smith said...

Isn't that the restaurant with the great hash browns?

I like that, clerk. People don't get called clerks enough these days.

Anonymous said...

Super G says...
so-sorry, I mean't to say customer service representative.

I didn't realize you were into PC. I'm not a secretary, I'm an administrative ASSistant

M. Smith said...

Nope, not PC, I really meant it. I never think to say clerk anymore but it's a better term than salesperson IMO.

I'm all for keeping words like secretary. I don't know why the word has to change instead of the definition. I guess it makes someone sound more important to be an assistant?

Anonymous said...

I was just messin' with you. I don't like the PC stuff, if your a secretary say so, etc.

M. Smith said...

they should be called sexy-taries.