Monday, June 29, 2009

Grocery Store Maps

Why doesn't ever grocery store have a map of what's in each aisle? Why God, why?

I was going to make a map for my wife last Christmas because I knew she would love it. Then I forgot about it. She just told me that she made a list the other day when she was grocery shopping and it reminded me that I had these pictures. Maybe a future business venture?


Anonymous said...

I'm confused, What else do you need but Beer?

M. Smith said...

I'd say Bacon, but I'm afraid Anonymous would get all over my case.

Anonymous said...

you should DEFINITELY make a business plan, chart out the key stores in Portland and GO FOR IT. Bryan had to get a guy to speak at a conference this fall, who charges $15k for speaking engagements; I was like, wow, you're in the wrong biz babe.

家出 said...


M. Smith said...

See, I'm big in Japan too.