Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Manly Man

My wife didn't think I could do it. She said we should just pay someone to have it done.

She's probably right, but I did it anyway. We'll see how it looks tomorrow, but I think it's fixed.

Thanks to my dad for teaching me how to fix a leaky pipe many, many years ago.

It took me only 6ish hours. Here are my tips on how to do it (the wrong way):

1. Go buy a shovel.
2. Come home and dig up where you think the hole is.
3. Fill in the hole where the leak was not, and try another one.
4. Fill in the second hole and dig up the first one again.
5. Make the first hole a lot bigger and hope you're eventually gonna find that hole.
5b. Cry a little when you realize the leak is coming from underneath the driveway concrete.
6. Look up the number for a leak detection place that will charge you $300.00 to laugh at you when they see your two holes and still couldn't find it.
6b. Keep digging because you don't want to pay the 300 dollars. Rejoice when you see the water gushing out of the hole and hit the white pipe.
7. The leak was at a connection where a pvc pipe turned into a metal pipe. Makes you wonder if just replacing that connection is going to be durable enough, but oh well.
8. Go to the store and buy the stuff you need to fix the pipe now that you know what kind of leak it is.
9. Go back to the store after you get home and realize you forgot one very important connecting piece.
10. Fix the leak.
11. Go back after showering and doing a load of laundry and see that the pipe is solid.
12. Go to bed and hope in the morning the street won't be covered in water.

Look, a 12 step program. Oh my back.


Anonymous said...

you need that Monty Python song playing in the back ground for this post..

Anonymous said...

Well I found the men men men song but it wasn't what I was thinking of.. I'll have to keep looking.

Anonymous said...

Mark, I'm glad that some of the things I taught you while you were young have paid off. First of all, did it hold? You know that you can buy repair material for the hole. Or, do what I do if it is blacktop. Find someone repairing a street with blacktop or putting in a driveway, and take a bucket with you and they will give you enough material for the repair. Love you lots Dad

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt in our minds that you are the PERFECT man for our PERFECT Daughter. He cooks, he cleans, he is a great father and husband, he's nice to his inlaws and now....HE CAN FIX LEAKY WATER PIPES! Egad...does Mandy realize just how lucky she is??!!
Loved the post...Mama D.

Anonymous said...

Man, that is worse that when someone poured velveeta dip down our kitchen drain and I went to remove the P-trap only to have it disintegrate in my hand. I ended up doing the dreaded multiple Home Depot runs, but I didn't have to dig any holes. ;-)