Sunday, January 04, 2009

Cleaned the garage today

It wasn't exactly a resolution for the new year, but it sure felt like it.

Took me about 4 hours. Mostly going through my archives, winnowing out the 'not so necessary' part of my boxes. I'm down to about 4 boxes of personal stuff in there now.



Anonymous said...

Don't know if you recognized the little house I sent to you. It was on our tree at home throughout my childhood. I captured the three that were left when I was married. We had them on the tree or in a display every year until this year when I decided to give them to the three of you. We flipped a coin on each by the way. Hope you save them. I love you. Mom

M. Smith said...

Of course I recognized it. And we packed up all our Christmas stuff except that one, which is still on the mantel.