Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Not so deep thoughts

1. I was looking up the origin of the word Cologne, and, as I surmised, it comes from the city of Cologne, Germany. But in Germany they don't ever call it cologne, nor is it called Koln, the German way to pronounce the name of the city. It's too late to look up what they really call it, but it's odd.

2. I wish every grocery store had a map available of its aisles. Either at the store or online. I would pay $1.00 for a map of my local grocery store. Maybe 2, but no more than 2 dollars at the most.

3. I forgot number 3. I'll think of it tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I bet it involved bacon!

M. Smith said...

No probably about how my mouth and ears are always burning. I don't know, maybe it's allergies? There are certain foods that I eat that make my mouth really feel funny, and then sometimes it moves to my eartubes, like a chemical burning sensation. I wonder if I'm getting sensitive to things like chemicals on fruit since it's usually when I eat apples and pears. But the other day it happened with Almond Roca candy too, so what the hell...

Anyway, that might be number 3.

Anonymous said...

Totally would use the groc map. Groc shopping one of my least favorite things to do. Which is weird since I like food. I'd just rather it be plopped in front me, hot and delicious.