Sunday, December 07, 2008


A list of my bookmarks from the top to the bottom:

The Great Whatsit - Started by a friend from college and some other friends mainly on the east coast. I usually make it a point to visit there every couple of days at least.
PimpStyle2000 - My friend Kent's site. Friends since high school, it's been a little on the slow side at this site lately, but still some funny people hang out there.
Bank of America - Really? You need me to tell you what this one is?
Mystatcounter - Tells me how many times my mom has checked out this site today. When she's visiting me my number of visitors drops by 90%.
Suburban Home - If you click this link you're gonna get summa that deja vu.
Pitchfork - I used to visit this site all the time for new music ideas. Now I just check it out to see if any famous musicians have died recently.
Woot - Sweet site that offers closeouts and special deals. Usually one per day, starting at 10 pm p.s.t. Sometimes there's a woot-off which goes for a couple days and the same item stays up until it sells out before a new one is posted.
Woot T-shirt - Same thing but for shirts.
The World According to Wayne - Wayne is a friend of mine from back in the days of playing Everquest, so probably about the year 2000, 2001. My character was a female so he was trying to flirt me up but I had to tell him to stop. We've been friends ever since. He doesn't update his blog enough, but I'm sure he loves bacon like I do.
Jeffrey Dinsmore - My brother in law. Coolest dude on the west coast with the awesomest wife. Buy his book, he'll thank you for it. - I don't really remember to check this one but once every month or two. Mainly to keep in touch with my friend Chris, but since he only checks it every couple of months, we never really connect.
Penny Arcade - Video Game/Geekery site. Check it out every once in awhile. Home to the Child's Play charity which is a bunch of gamers that give to children's hospital.
Kotaku - Another video game site I check out regularly.
i wish god were alive to see this - Not sure where I picked this one up, but it's great to see the world through someone else's eyes sometimes. - Great place with home-made crafts.
100 hour board - A place where you ask a question and they answer it within 100 hours. Beware, it's full of Mormons.
New York Times food section - Food stuffs
Apartment Therapy - Good place for some inspiration for decorating I will never do.
Zenni Optical - $10.00 Eyeglasses. Seriously.
The Sartorialist - Style Inspiration. See 'Apartment Therapy' above. - just kidding ma!

That's what I do in my spare time.


Anonymous said...

Damn good thing you were kidding. More grandchildren I will take. Barn yard animals NOT! ms

Anonymous said...

Mom Smith,
He is not kidding! you should see the pictures he links me..
That bacon bra was just the start!

And for the record I never tried to flirt him up! He was flirting with me :-P