Monday, July 07, 2008

Had brunch with Ed Begley Jr. yesterday...

Well, I had brunch near Ed Begley Jr. yesterday. Went to the Old Wives' Tales restaurant for brunch to meet up with some old acquaintances who were visiting from Seattle. While waiting for them, we were playing in a little playroom set aside for kids, and this older gentleman was playing with another little boy. I was thinking he had a familiar look to him, but I'm the type of person that would never recognize a celebrity if they were standing right next to me (which he was).

It wasn't until we were seated at the table with our friends, when one of them wrote 'Ed Begley' on a napkin and showed it to us. I thought he was just saying that the guy looked like E.B.

Nope, it was the real deal. He's looking a little older these days. Not surprising, of course. I guess he'll just always be John 'Stumpy' Pepys to me, the original drummer for Spinal Tap.


Anonymous said...

Did he ride his bike there or his Electric car? The guy is greener then the Jolly Green Giant.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.