Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dead Cat

No, cat's not dead.


Lexi's going crazy jumping on the bed beside me. I told her not to get too crazy and jump on the cat. She said, "Yeah cause we don't want a dead cat".

Hmm, I'm getting an idea.

The cat was sick last week. It was strange, he all of a sudden started limping one night, and it seemed to be getting worse, so M took him to the vet. They charged us $350.00 to take x-rays and do blood work, only to tell us that he had a fever but nothing was physically wrong otherwise.

I'm glad M was the one with him, because I don't know that I would have paid that much. I mean, the cat only cost us about $30.00 initially, and there are a LOT of cats out there that don't have fevers and limps. Really though, couldn't the vet have maybe mentioned waiting a day to see what happened before jumping into all the lab work and x-rays?

This cat is getting more and more precious to me each and every day that we sink money into him. Pretty soon he's gonna poop gold for us I'm sure.

The worst part is that now I'm afraid to even touch him when he's scratching and clawing my hands at night, because I don't want to have to take him back for more x-rays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They cure the cat by making you sick with the bill.. lol