Friday, November 02, 2007

Beck as a 2 1/2 year old girl


Anonymous said...

heh. that's good.

i felt homesick this week. i wish i had been able to go camping. it sounded fun. maybe next year.

the pix of your vacation photo with the fire. mmm. how sad and terrible! i'm glad you guys were okay though

Ryan and Courtney said...

Cute kids!!
So I get this mysterious comment on my family blog from Mac Smith and I'm wondering Mac Smith? And how did Mac Smith leave a comment on my blog? Then I got thinking(don't be too shocked)that I know this guy that I haven't spoken to in say 13 years(punk). He doesn't call, doesn't write, and doesn't send birthday cards either, on the best birthday day of the whole year(regardless of what others say) and so then I google Mac Smith and I'm probably leaving a weird post on a stranger's blog, probably not, but that would be funny! Saw your Mom and Dad over the summer and tried to stop by when I was up your way, but couldn't remember where the store was located. Send me an email so we can catch up. So glad to see your awesome family and touch base again. Great blog, it makes me laugh!(