Sunday, December 31, 2006

2006 Year in Review

This past year was a good one. A great one actually. I got married, I bought a house, I had a beautiful new baby boy, and my beautiful baby girl is getting smarter by the day. For some reason, however, it never seemed like I got around to being happy.

Why not? I'm just not really a happy person. It seems like I've spent my entire life just trudging through it step-by-step, always looking forward to a future happiness that I expected to one day achieve. It sounds stupid, but I really have always thought that. It's like my book collection--I buy a ton of books. Some to read right away, some just to have, and most with the thought that I will read them at some point in the future. It doesn't matter that I have hundreds of books that I haven't read yet, or that I don't really read as much as I used to, I still fully expect to one day sit down and finish each and every book that I own (as well as those I've yet to buy).

So, rather than come up with the normal new year's resolutions, I'm going to aim big. I'm going to do what I can to enjoy life now, to count my blessings and try to be as happy as possible. I predict this will last all of 2 hours in the new year, but a guy can dream, can't he?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think just the fact that you can see yourself so honestly is a huge step in the right direction.
I'm a firm believer in the "Happines starts inside yourself" school of thought. Whenever I mentioned that to my ex wife who was always looking for something or someone to make her happy she would call me stupid. Maybe I'm stupid but expecting things to make you happy just seems silly to me. To each there own though.
I have always been a "Live for today for tomorrow might never come" type of guy anyway.
Happy New years to you and your Family.