Thursday, February 28, 2008

Noah Two-Bath

Noah undertook his first spirit quest today, hereby earning his special Native American name, Noey Two-Bath.

I had just given him his bath and put his pajamas on. We went downstairs, and I was hoping to get him to stay downstairs with Grandpa so I could get Lexi in the bath, but he insisted on coming back up with us. As I was trying to shepherd them up the stairs, Noah got ahead of us. Since Grandma was up there already, I figured he was with her. But by the time we got to the top of the stairs, I peeked in the bathtub and Noah was sitting in the tub, in his pajamas, with water halfway up his belly.

So off go the soaking PJ's, off comes the wet diaper, and on go the new ones. Oh joy, oh joy.

We miss mommy!


Anonymous said...

What's he doing on his head? Thinking?

M. Smith said...

Brushing his hair...he does most his thinking on the pot, like me.