Thursday, April 05, 2007

Misc. Wednesday

Work's been painfully slow lately. Nobody want to buy furniture right now, not with taxes due soon. We went to see Blades of Glory tonight, the new movie with Will Ferrell and John Heder. It was pretty hilarious. Now I need to see 300 before it leaves theaters. I'm going to try to see it next week when we go to visit my family in Wenatchee.

Lately I've been getting annoyed by all the talk about being carbon neutral. It reminds me of the indulgences you could once buy from the church to rid yourself of sins by paying money. I'm not sure that giving money to organizations that build solar panels in Africa should really get you a gold star and a pat on the head. Ooh, I helped pay for a windmill, so now I can feel better about driving around in my gas-guzzler.

Maybe it's a good thing, but I'm suspicious.

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